What a Wonderful Window

A window opened over Estonian, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese and Turkish schools

This is the window where / The voices of our childhood meet

This is the window where / A kingdom of tenderness and tolerance begins

And together, holding hands, / We build

An alfabeth of peace and hope (Domingos Santos)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Oristown N.S. Boys Football Team (Ireland)

Monday, February 06, 2006

A Surprise from England (Portugal)

Today, 6th February, we had a surprise!
Keith, a gentleman from Wigan, England, came to our ´Portuguese Language´ lesson.
He talked about himself and we talked about ourselves.
We asked him interesting questions to get to know him better.
We talked about football, traditional food and the "Beatles".
(Class 5D, School Dr. Carlos Pinto Ferreira, Junqueira, Portugal)